Naon kasalahan anu henteu tiasa dilakukeun salami operasi mesin anu nyepet shot?

4_ 副本 -N

Syarat pikeun beberesih meja di bumi sareng di luar negeri parantos langkung ningkat, sareng panggunaan s janten langkung nyebar. Naon bedas anu teu kedah dilaksanakeun tina peralatan blasting shot dina prosés pamakean?
1.. Alat anu nyecep anu nembak teu tiasa ningkatkeun bahan selfie dina waktos. Alat anu ditembak nyaring biasana ngagantungkeun alat ngabeledug anu ditembak pikeun nyarioskeun baja anu ditembak ka permukaan bahan kerja kanggo diberesihkeun. Bahan selfie mangrupikeun kalayan, sareng operasi alat anu ngabeledug nembak laun dikirangan. Daur pamisahan henteu tiasa réngsé, anu mangaruhan kualitas ledakan anu ditembak.
2. Urutan awal mesin jotosan shot salah, sareng alat blasting shot gagal beroperasi numutkeun manual instruksi, sareng mesin blasting shot teu nganggur sareng henteu aya anu makéna.
  3. The shutdown sequence is wrong, the shot blasting equipment is closed early, the formed shot material still continues to enter the shot blasting machine, and the motor will easily be burned the next time it is turned on.
  4. The roller conveyor speed of the shot blasting equipment is too fast or too slow, and the roller conveyor can be conveyed at an adjustable speed. The user cannot adjust the speed according to the manual during the operation. Too fast or too slow will affect the shot blasting quality.
  5. The belt is slack in the raising machine, and the raising machine is equipped with a belt tensioning device, which can be used when the belt is not tight during use.

Waktu pos: Jul-24-2020

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