Zeziphi iimpazamo ezingenakwenziwa xa kuqhutywa umatshini wokudubula?

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Iimfuneko zokucoca iitafile ekhaya nakwamanye amazwe ziye zaphuculwa ngakumbi, kwaye ukusetyenziswa kwe-s kuye kwanda. Yeyiphi imisebenzi engenakuphepheka yezixhobo zokuqhushumisa kwezixhobo kwinkqubo yokusetyenziswa?
1. Isixhobo sokuqhushumisa asikwazanga kunyusa izixhobo ngexesha. Izixhobo zokuqhumisa ngokudubula zixhomekeke ikakhulu kwizixhobo zokuqhushumisa ukuze kufakwe ipowusta yendawo yokusebenza kwindawo yokucoca. Izixhobo zokudubula ziyinto esebenzayo, kwaye ukusebenza kwezixhobo zokuqhushumisa ngokuthe ngcembe kuncitshiswa. Umjikelo wokwahlula awunakugqitywa, ochaphazela umgangatho wokuqhuma.
2. Ulandelelwano lokuqala lomatshini wokudubula awulunganga, kwaye izixhobo zokuqhushumisa ziyasilela ukuqhuba ngokomgaqo wokuyalela, kwaye umatshini wokudubula umpu uyaduma kwaye akukho zixhobo zokudubula zingena.
  3. The shutdown sequence is wrong, the shot blasting equipment is closed early, the formed shot material still continues to enter the shot blasting machine, and the motor will easily be burned the next time it is turned on.
  4. The roller conveyor speed of the shot blasting equipment is too fast or too slow, and the roller conveyor can be conveyed at an adjustable speed. The user cannot adjust the speed according to the manual during the operation. Too fast or too slow will affect the shot blasting quality.
  5. The belt is slack in the raising machine, and the raising machine is equipped with a belt tensioning device, which can be used when the belt is not tight during use.

Ixesha lokuposa: Jul-24-2020

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