Ndi zolakwika ziti zomwe sizingachitike pamakina ophulika owombera?

4_ 副本 -N

Zofunikira poyeretsa patebulo kunyumba ndi kunja zakonzanso, ndipo kugwiritsa ntchito s kwayamba kufalikira. Kodi ndi zinthu zosagwedezeka ziti zomwe zida zophulitsira mfuti zikugwiritsa ntchito?
1. Zida zowombera sizinathe kuwonjezera zomwe zimawombera nthawi. Zipangizo zophulitsira mfuti zimadalira kwambiri chipangizo chowombera kuti ziwonetsetse kuti chowombera chitsulo chili pamalo opangira ntchitoyo. Zowomberazi ndizotheka kudya, ndipo kugwiritsa ntchito zida zowombera mfuti kumachepera. Kutalikirana sikumatha, komwe kumakhudza kuphulika kwa mfuti.
2. Kukhazikitsa koyambira kwa makina owombera sikulakwa, ndipo zida zowombera zowombera zalephera kugwira ntchito molingana ndi buku la malangizo, ndipo makina owombera akuwombera ndipo palibe chawombera chomwe chilowa.
  3. The shutdown sequence is wrong, the shot blasting equipment is closed early, the formed shot material still continues to enter the shot blasting machine, and the motor will easily be burned the next time it is turned on.
  4. The roller conveyor speed of the shot blasting equipment is too fast or too slow, and the roller conveyor can be conveyed at an adjustable speed. The user cannot adjust the speed according to the manual during the operation. Too fast or too slow will affect the shot blasting quality.
  5. The belt is slack in the raising machine, and the raising machine is equipped with a belt tensioning device, which can be used when the belt is not tight during use.

Nthawi yolembetsa: Jul-24-2020

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